Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Space and its wonders: Interesting and colorful places in the universe

What is an universe ?

Word universe or cosmos describe everything we can perceive to physically exists, all physics laws governing that matter, space and time and all kinds of energy. Some scientists claim though that word universe describes only one of many worlds, multiverses, that combined, create the real universe. Theoretically it combines our universe with other universes that we can’t physically study (at least not yet) or influence. Some theories state though that there are infinitely many universes, created with every decision made. Below, we list some of the most popular/interesting theories.

Big Bang – it’s really hard not to know this theory. Well in case you didn’t know it here is a reminder. Big Bang Theory states that everything started with a big KABOOM originating from nothing or from some ancient type of matter/energy. Then universe started to expand, more complex structures started to form, matter started to form stars, planets, galaxies.

Bubble Universe – it states that out universe is one of many multiverses that formed through vacuum.

Bouncing Theory – it is a some sort of extension to the Big Bang Theory, stating that universe is just a set of infinite number of beginnings and endings, where it continuously expands and collapses. It’s also called Oscillatory universe model.

Protouniverse – As mentioned in the previous presentation, universe is filled with black holes. Protouniverse theory allows the existence of a so called white hole. White Hole is an opposite of a black hole. It’s supposed to “spit matter out” from vacuum at the speed of light.

What is a galaxy ?

Galaxy is a creation, massive system of gravitationally bound stars, planets, moons, stellar remnants, gas, dust, dark matter and others. Galaxies range from pretty small ones (10.000.000 stars) to giant ones ( stars)

Galaxies are divided into 3 main types:

Elliptical – it’s a galaxy having an ellipsoidal shape. They range from nearly spherical to very flattened. Elliptical galaxies contain mostly of older stars, have low rates of start formation.

Spiral – consist of rotating disks of stars along with the central bulge of older stars. The galaxy arms extend from the center and are relatively bright. Arms of the spiral galaxy form an approximate logarithmic spiral.

Irregular/Peculiar – set of galaxies that form as a result of unusual circumstances or tidal interactions with other galaxies (galaxy collisions, merges). The very good example of such creation is a ring galaxy or a lenticular galaxy. First one is thought to occur when smaller galaxy passes through the center of a spiral galaxy (example of the Andromeda galaxy shown in the first link or some other galaxy in the second link). Lenticular galaxy is a galaxy that has properties of both spiral and elliptical galaxy (shown in the third link).

Dwarf – relatively small galaxies that can be, but not always are classified as elliptical, spiral or irregular galaxies since they don’t always share all of the large galaxy properties. For example dwarf elliptical galaxies are called “dwarf spheroidal galaxies” instead.

Results of interactions between galaxies

Galaxies can collide with each other. It happens when they don’t have enough momentum to pass through each other. These galaxies will interact with each other, eventually forming a larger galaxy. Result of such collision may vary, depending on the circumstances, creating many different shapes of the new galaxy, causing star formations bursts.

Some formations are described as starburst galaxies. These creations are characterized by dusty concentrations of gas and an exceptionally very high rate of star creation. These galaxies were more common during the early history of the universe. Right now starburst galaxies are believed to provide around 15% of the total star production rate in the universe. Starburst galaxies are also characterized by supernova explosions.

Beauty of the universe

It can’t be measured or just shown on just few pictures. Ones below show only some of the amazing images you can see in space (in this case Supernovas).

Discussion topics

1. How do you think universe has been created? Which theory appeals to you the most? Maybe some theory that wasn’t mentioned in the article got you interested? Maybe God created universe?

2. Do you think alternate realities or parallel universes exist? Please justify your opinion.

3. If universe is so big, do you think inter-stellar travel is even possible in real time? Do you think a human being could travel several times across the galaxy in a lifetime? (Notice “across the galaxy” – not even trying to consider travelling between galaxies yet)

Before you answer, know that the closest star is Proxima Centauri and it’s approximately 4.2 light-years distant (4x km). The closest star known to have a planet is Epsilon Eridani and it’s approximately 10.5 light years distant.

4. Please name an interesting movie taking part somewhere in the space. What was so interesting in it?


  1. 1) I believe in big bang theory although we don't know the details yet but science will eventualy give us the answers.

    2) I really doubt there is any kind of alternate reality, there is no evidence for it so by know it's only fiction for me.

    3)Technology develops exponentialy so yes I think it is possible.I won't say you how but would you imagine 100 years ago that man could send a space probe to Mars, take photos there and send them back to earth?

    4)Well I'm a Star Wars fan :) and thing I like the most is the universe of the movies itself, everyone will find something interesting there.

  2. 1) Even if I belive in a Big bang theory, I would still be wondering- what caused the big bang? So I don't even try to anwser that kind of questions.

    2) No. I think people created this idea because they like to think that they could made other decisions.

    3) I agree with Michał totally :)

    4) Starship Troopers -'s so probable :) Just watch it :P

  3. I don't agree with you Kasia. Even if the Big Bang theory is not so obvious, don’t forget, that scientist are close to solving it thanks to the Large Hadron Collider.

    If you like the universe so much, you should see ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ by Stanley Kubrick.It’s really amazing, especially when you think of the technique they used while making this movie. Almost no computer special effects and such a great result!

  4. Firstly I must say that it is one of the most interesting posts on this blog. Well done ;). Coming back to subject if we make an assumption that universe started from an explosion than natural question that comes to mind is what have exploded and when the explosion will come to an end? Also an element as God comes into equation, but then who or what created the God? If he exists, he must come from somewhere. Unfortunately I am quite sure that will never come to know answers. Even if our scientist starts to follow the right path to understanding our existence it will be far too late. They will be nothing left to understand. Our technology is developing recently with outstanding speed. What was unimaginable for my parents is something common for me. Not so long ago flying with a plane was just an imagination and now if we have enough money we can go for a space trip. Soon we will have a space elevator and buildings with scientists on moon and Mars. Even though space is extending and sooner or later our planet will become inhabitable and surrounded with nothing and the explosion as explosions do will lapse.

  5. It is quite natural for me that the Big Bang theory is the most probable one. It's because I've been taught so for many years. However, I find the theory of Protouniverse the most interesting for me. As for 'God' and his creation of the whole universe - I don't take it into consideration at all. I believe in science and try to think in more rational way so any paranormal existence or power don't convince me in this matter ;-)

  6. 4) I always liked vision of future created in "Planet of the Apes" film. It is based on the novel written by Piere Boulle.
    Rise and fall of civilization and culture is very interesting theme in my opinion.

    You can read about this film here:

  7. 1. How do you think what was first chicken or egg? I my opinion questions like: Who create universe? or Who create god? What was first? are dumb!! Because people are to small and to selfish to understand universe or god. Maybe in future we can answer, but now definitely no.

    2. Alternate realities or parallel universes - Maybe exists but where?

    3. I think its possible but not now and not in rocket or other our space ships.
