Thursday, 14 January 2010

Horror Movies 2

Horror film are very wide movie genre that's why we can split it between few smaller subcategorys:

Cannibal films (23 movies)
Natural horror films (154 movies)
Science fiction horror films (294 movies)
Slasher films (406 movies)
Supernatural horror films ( 416 movies)
Frankenstein films (51 movies)
Ghost films (185 movies)
Haunted house films (112 movies)
Monster movies (351 movies)
Religious horror films (54 movies)
Zombie films (218 movies)

Today i would like to tell you about my favourit subcategory of horror films - ZOMBIE FILMS!!

History first...

In the period of time that I like to call B.R. (Before Romero) the zombie as we know it didn't exist. Before 1968 zombies were something entirely different. They were a product of voodoo and the movies portrayed them as such. In films such as White Zombie (1932) and Revenge of the Zombies(1943), lifeless bodies were removed from the grave right after burial and turned into living mindless slaves obeying the biddings of a human master.

Just when the idea of rotting reanimations were about to go the way of an Ed Wood film, along came a man who would revolutionize the horror genre and breath new life (or undeath) into the zombie. A small budget black and white film titled Night of the Living Dead, written and directed by George A. Romero, hit theaters and drive-ins in 1968. The effects of Romero's ground-breaking treatment of the theme are still being felt today.

From the moment that we heard "They're coming to get you Barbara", the zombie became fair game again, and the gore effect became a staple of the genre.

In 1978 Romero gave the genre a much needed “fatherly” shove in the right direction with Dawn of the Dead (1978). The first to gather an understanding of where the genre was going was Lucio Fulci who ended the decade with the release of Zombi 2 (1979, 1980 U.S.).

The list of movies adding to the Zombie Movie History from the 80s is long and includes many of the classics if the genre: Dead and Buried (1981), The Evil Dead (1982),  Day of the Dead (1985), The Return of the Living Dead (1985), Night of the Creeps (1986), Evil Dead II (1987), The Dead Next Door (1988).

It was also during this time that certain rules became staples of the genre, some accepted, some rejected, and others made fun of:
    • If you didn’t die first, you ain’t a zombie.
    • Zombies are not cannibals. They do not feed on each other only living flesh.
    • The only way to stop a zombie is a well placed head shot. (Hammer, ice-pick, gun, axe, etc.)
    • Intelligence is not a their strong point.
There are other rules that are deemed acceptable to bend if necessary, but these are pretty much untouchable.

Zombies exeples:

 The George Romero arisen ones had the look of "every day". Their dress consisted of either the clothes that they wore in the casket at their funeral, or normal work clothes (i.e. waitress, mechanic). Injuries such as missing limbs were also common. Their intelligence was very low, and movement stiff and slow.

 The zombies from Evil Dead were the result of possession by evil spirits, so their faces quickly developed a white crust over them. Pure white eyes with black circles around them are also typical. These demonic heartbreakers could carry on conversations and attack with focus.

This is "Bub", the pet zombie from Day of the Dead. Bub is a little smarter than his typical brethren, and is often seen with a walkman. Wrinkled bluish face ala Romero.

 Braindead is considered the goriest movie EVER. The zombies reflect this, with blood and guts everywhere. Also characterized by black eyes and ripping flesh.

The Dead Next Door added quite a bit of blood and gore to the persona of the animated deceased. Other characteristics are broken chains from being locked up and face masks to prevent them from biting humans. Very dumb and slow.

Zombie Nazi from "Dead Snow" 2008 are one of the best zombies created between 2000-2009.

My favourite zombie movie scenes:

best movie/ best scene/ really bloody by Peter Jackson
(before he decide to create Lord of the rings series)

Bub the smartest zombie ever


One of the best Zombie-themed comedy

Few Links:   <- wiki page with all zombie movies titles  <- page of polish horror community  <- G.Romero fans page  <- very interesting interview with G.Romero from 2009

- What do you think about "Night of living jews" and "Shaun of the Dead" trailers? Did they encourage you to watch these films ? ;]
- Did you know that P.Jackson made Braindead before Lord of the rings?
- What do you think about zombies ?
- Choose your most and least favourite genre of horror movies and explain your decision.


  1. 1. "Night of the jews" - complete (insert bad word here). "Shaun of the Dead" - acceptable, but only because I like Simon Pegg. He played the main character in "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People"
    2. Nope I didn't, but I'm glad he ended up with Lord of the rings, not the other way around.
    3. BORING !!!
    4. Supernatural/Ghost kind definately. I'm just into levitation and stuff like that :-P

  2. Well, not to disregard your work on the article.. I must say that I'm not into horror films at all. Even though I like science fiction films, I find most of the horrors entirely unrealistic and dumb. Probably I lack some kind of distance towards the genre itself, can't blame me for that I guess :) Those two trailers didn't grab my attention at all, needless to say: I won't watch these films.

    I had no idea about Jackson making any horror productions at all. On the other hand, I'm not his biggest fan, I suppose.

    The only horror films I enjoyed watching are 'The Shining' ( and 'The Psycho' (, which I recommend for everyone, regardless of genre taste.

  3. I am not very keen on horror films, in recent times watching them is no fun for me, mostly it appears to be waste of my time. After watching the first trailer I am sure that I will pay attention to avoid ever watching the entire film. As far the second trailer is concerned I reckon that I could watch "Shaun of the dead" if I had time. The reason for it is the fact that, besides zombie topic of the film, it is still a comedy (one of my favourite genres).
    I used to watch horrors when I was a kid and a young teenager. I remember that these made impression on me: "The Shining" by Stanley Kubrick, three parts of "Child's Play" and "Blair Witch Project".

  4. I don't like watching zombies in movies in general. "Zombieland" that was a just parody seemed way better than most of them. The exception was "Resident Evil" trilogy. I have no idea why is that, but I really enjoyed those movies. Maybe its because of a sentiment from my youth (computer games) or the main character ;) I didn't watch trailers and I'm not sure whether I will watch those movies - probably, their only chance is that I will illegally download them and get cut off from the internet in a place where I could do nothing else.

    And the one with nazis - it is great! I wouldn't make it through the whole movie, but the fragment is amazing.

  5. In general I don't like zombie movies. But there is one exception, and I don't know why I haven't mentioned it in my favourite horrors in my previous post, because it's absolutely perfect - The Braindead :) I love this film. And yes, I knew it was made by Peter Jackson.

    I saw "Shaun of the dead" and I think it's ok, but could be better ;) "Night of the Jews" trailer is poor.

    Best horror movies genres for me is supernatural and science-fiction. The worst - monster, because they're all the same.

  6. For me first trailer is total disaster. It is the worst of all and I will keep myself away from that movie. I totally agree with the previous opinions that the second one is more encouraging, for me even enough to go to the cinema. What surprise me is the keys of Peter Jackson. To be honest when I hear that name it links in my mind only with “The Lord of The Rings”. As far as zombie as concerned I don’t like them. I prefer to annihilate every last of them playing some computer games. Unfortunately most of the productions connected anyhow with zombies are just poor, boring, stupid and simply unplayable. If I had to choose one category of movies I would probably choose science fiction productions. However usually I choose some mixes between the movie types just like “Doom”. I like horror movies as well but since the premiere of “Silent Hill” few years ago I cannot recollect any scary movie that would be worth seeing. I also interest in religious horrors, but there are also not many of them that I can recommend.

  7. Hm hm hm, what can I say ? Just like Michal, I find horror movies totally unrealistic and dumb. In addition, they also seem boring to me. But I also think that it might be due to my total lack of interest in this particular genre. All of images and trailers included in your presentation are horrific (they have to, I guess) and still don't make me even a bit more interested in the thing.

  8. Błażej, I couldn't agree more with you, besides the fact that horror movies are intended to scare people there is nothing special about them.

  9. For me "Night of living jews" and "Shaun of the Dead" trailers are not very special - anothers zombie-slasher movies..

    Did you know that P.Jackson made Braindead before Lord of the rings? - No

    What do you think about zombies ? I dont believe that zombie exists, but Id like to watch zombie movies like "28 Days later", "Resident Evil" ect..

    Choose your most and least favorite genre of horror movies and explain your decision.
    Most favorite - zombie!!! - just because :)
    Least favorite - canibal, for me its disgusting

  10. The idea behind the Night of the Living Jews seems hilarious to me, and Shaun of the Dead is just another example of British humor, which I like quite a lot.
    I've seen Braindead long time ago and I knew it was directed by Peter Jackson.
    Zombie are great theme for 'horror' movies, given one condition - director doesn't take it too seriously. But then again, is it really a horror?
