My answer is Yes for legal migration and No for illegal migration. Why? For example France was among the countries which first opened their borders to immigrants. In 1950s the government made a tough decision to invite foreign workers from France`s crumbling colonial empire.
At first, they were to remain in the country for a short period of time " until the native French were able to replace them. But years passed, and the number of immigrants was not decreasing as expected. Instead, the country was flooded with new waves of immigrants... not always legal....
Some surprising facts about migration.
In India, 100,000 skilled technology workers are expected to leave in the
next three years. Since it costs India about $20,000 per student to educate
these individuals,India essentially will subsidize the rest of the world for $2 billion worth of technology education.
Did you know that Somalia receives an estimated $500 million a year in
money sent home from abroad? It is four times more than the income from the
main export...
IN the world 30 million people are forced to move within their own
Consequences of migration.
Migration like any other process shapes many fields of life, having both
advantages and disadvantages.
I think that consequences of migrations are changes in population
distribution.. Very important are demographic consequences. Since
is selective of particular age groups, migrants are mostly young and in
productive age. It is not possible to forget about economic results of
migration, which are of the greatest importance for the development of the
countries. In my opinion migration has had a significant effect on world
For example it has influence on the evolution and development of
separate cultures, or it has influence on the complex mix of people and
cultures found in different regions of the world today. Can you present
other migration effect on world geography?
How has globalization made migration a more controversial issue?
Dr. Papademetriou, President of the Migration Policy Institute answer is:
What do you think about that?
Equal legally as well as illegally people always will migrate. I think
that migration is good from economic and social point of view..
Thanks for reading my presentation. - Michał
I agree with yours "Yes for legal migration and No for illegal migration", but question is what should be legal immigration?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion country should attract highly-skilled immigrants who are willing to assimilate themselves. Other kinds of immigration should be illegal in my opinion, they can cause drastic changes in the society ( like in UK where Christmas decorations are banned in order not to offend Muslims).
Furthermore they are not good for the economy, many immigrants are being parasites, just living on social and exploiting the system.
I agree with this article, legal emigration isn't bad. Emigration can help people to get
ReplyDeleteknow cultures of other countries, share experience, learn from each other... Maybe
without emigration pizza would not leave Italy? Point of view depends of point of
seat, for country maybe it isn't good but for people it's usually only way to be happy.
The topic was mainly discussed from social and economic point of view. However, we still have to remember that all those migrants are human beings, all with families, all with friends and emotions. I won't agree that a question whether to emigrate or not is a simple one. I think it's one of the most difficult one can take during whole life. This decision usually is a total 180 turnaround in one's life. Maybe not always at the very beginning but definitely after some time. People have to leave their families, friends and culture not to mention any sentiments. This is really tough and sooner or later has its consequences whatever they are.