According to data from polish Department of Work and Social Policy and other similar institutions in European Union countries it is estimated that annual departure from Poland to other countries counts for about 800 thousand people. It is hideous number, which year in, year out will be rising...
Statistics show that 70% of Poles abroad are graduates and, they currently take unskilled jobs, it is inconceivable that this highly skilled class of immigrants will not ascend into the ranks of the skilled workforce or they will not take highly payable jobs. So, why do they emigrate? For work in "wash clout's"?
Why do Polish IT specialist emigrate now?
Why is it that so many people want do go abroad? I think that they want to earn more money, improve their family life, hope to increase payments.

However, I think that if someone was able to find a good job abroad he/she would not find a similar job in Poland. Would you agree with me? Many of young people emigrate because they want to travel, visit foreign countries and meet foreign culture... They want to taste a little bit of this great world. Do u know what i mean? I'm not right?
How we look abroad, and where we live?
Sometimes we look awful, many of Poles, who are going abroad are not very cultural . Many of people think we only drink, steal their cars and taki their jobs. I think it is very unpleasant . Because it isn't true. i mean they evaluate us very generally , many of us are polite and nice, and want to honestly earn money.
Where do we live? I think that Usually we live in big cities. rather than villages. Because we have biggest capabilities to find a good job. What do you think about that?
Consequences of emigration Polish specialist.
I think that emigration has negatives results. It destroys families, problems with children left at home. It has too bad influence on Polish development because specialists go were bigger salaries are... If young, well-educated people go abroad there won`t be anybody to change our country.
What do you think about that? I understand that sometimes it`s better to go abroad to "fulfill their American Dream", especially, if he/she has no money or any chance for a decent life. But, I don`t approve people who say for example "it`s the USA/UK (or something else) is the best place to live", especially if they don`t care about money, because their parents will pay for everything...
Well, I don't think that there will be no good specialists left in Poland within few years. Not everyone really wants to emigrate. People need to be with their families and to feel that they're living in their own country expressing their minds freely without any language and cultural barriers. As far as I've observed, most of polish emigrants are not specialists but the exact opposites - those who have problems with law or just hadn't finished their education (of course there are many of those who just like new experience, adrenaline and adventure). In this case it seems to be quite obvious that someone will earn more money washing dishes in England than in Poland. I strongly believe that if someone is well educated, intelligent and self-confident then finding a really good job in Poland should no longer be a problem.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion if people are massively emigrating from a country it means that something is wrong in this country. In case of Poland there are many bad things, for example in rankings which measure how easy is to conduct a business Poland is on the same level as African countries, taxes are quite high, there is a lot of useless administrative procedures etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's natural for people to choose what's best for them and government job is to provide best conditions for people to live, if it fails then people are leaving, stopping them only makes the situation worse, look at the example of East Germany.
Michał, i totally agree with you. That's the reasons why I am considering emigration.
ReplyDeleteAs I said in last post I'm considering emigration. Work in Canada will give chance to learn and earn more.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't really bad. Those people won't be happy in Poland, they won't have enough
ReplyDeletemoney, and they will need to „fight” for everything. Emigration isn't easy as well.
You need to be good at languages what is more you HAVE TO know how to take care
of yourself in many not easy circumstances. It's sad that people prefer to leave their
families and emigrate I think that it is something wrong. We can't hold them for their
I am still not sure if I could emigrate. There is a very limited number of countries I would consider. It would have to be a really nice offer - as well salary and place. Sometimes I have this strange feeling that my family would be happy if I moved to USA or Australia as they could visit me often and make nice trips of this :)
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion emigration for young people is easier so we have to decide fast whether to do it or not. Still, it is hard to think of nearly all life spend in one place...
Time for some moaning.. Yes, Poland is behind the times and it's not easy to say that it will rapidly develop into a mordern and organised country. Even though I claim this as a fact I still wouldn't consider moving abroad for good.
ReplyDeleteI would rather move aborad for a few years just to save some money and meet some people who can help out with launching a business. What most of you don't seem to know is that the company does not have to be established in Poland in order to trade and provide services on the Polish market. So you really don't have to deal with all the obsolete Polish procedures and taxes.
Sure, you can establish own company abroad and just sell products/services here. On the other hand, this way this not-so-polish company would't make our economic climate better as it would pomp money out of the country.
ReplyDeleteIn previous post I've already written about my friend who is intelligent, has master degree, and still he prefer to live in Sweden. He has established a company out there and he is not getting back anywhere soon.
I'm thinking of starting a company for various reasons and I would try to stay here as there are many programs offering some benefits (including money investments) for new companies now. And I hope most of us would stay here.