What is it about travel that makes people tend to pack the most necessary things, say goodbye to family and friends, and go to the place where they have never been before, without being sure that they will safely return? Fate, the desire to know the world, the irresistible temptation for adventure, or willingness to make a profit? Reasons may be different and are always individual, depending on the situation of each of the travelers.
What is the purpose of traveling for you ? However, the fact is that traveling accompanies the man in almost every aspect of life and has done so throughout the entire history of mankind.
What's more, along with the technological development of the world, people travel more and more. We do not even notice in everyday life that we do so. When we get used to this state, we must feel the difference again - so we organize trips to more and more uncommon and unusual places, offering special experiences.
People always were moving from place to place, constantly searching for optimal conditions for living and housing. Already in prehistoric times there were great migrations of nations which led to the spread of people, almost all over the continents.
Those migrations lasted for thousands of years because the divided groups could not find their place on Earth. Some of them still have not found it, and continue to travel through the world, as the nomadic tribes living in the Asian part of Russia. It is difficult to describe the nomadic tribes as "travelers" because the word "travel" refers to modern tourism or holidays. And this is a mistake.
Once distant travel was reserved for those who were affluent and well educated. It required the skills to cope with extraordinary situations or to speak in a foreign language. The organization of a journey used to be very expensive, everything took a lot of time, so traveling was reserved for state dignitaries, and only when it was really needed.

In addition, people with religious missions or criminals expelled from cities moved over the world. It was definitely harder to survive in the harsh conditions for them, but surprisingly they coped with this perfectly. You can read about such cases in some parts of the Bible. In the Middle Ages a custom of making pilgrimages to religious sites, tombs, wonderful paintings and sculptures developed rapidly. The faithful traveled long distances to pray for the intercession of the saints in matters of particular importance.
These events greatly contributed to the development of the infrastructure in the vicinity of places like inns, where travelers could obtain shelter. Travel is also tied with trade. Have you ever been abroad only to bring something for further sale ? Or maybe you visited US in order to purchase a lot cheaper laptop or other electronics ?
Merchants traveled the whole of Europe, Asia, and Africa, where they purchased and sold their goods for a profit. If it wasnt for travels, Western Europe would never know eastern materials and spices.
This subject is widely discussed in reports from travels to China by Marco Polo. It is also worth mentioning that frequent travels created the foundation for early mail delivery systems. The more people traveled, the more essential it became for people to maintain communication with their own country.
And travel made the distribution of mail possible. Nowadays a parcel can ship to you from any distant part of the world within 48 hours. Have you ever availed from such delivery service ?
There are two main reasons why I like travelling- first is this magical something I can't explain ;) and second is making photos :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was going on my honeymoon to Oslo I was mostly excited because of the photos I can take, nearly as much as when I was getting married :P (after returning I realized that almost all photos are blurred because of camera damage!!!).
When it comes to trading, I was considering buying electronics abroad, but finally I've never done that.
But 1,5 year ago I bought a lot of things from USA, China, Hongkong and other far eastern countries by ebay. The dollar exchange rate was very low then, so I was recieving a lot of packages from far, far away at that time ;)
Still there are lots of those for whom travelling is always something which reminds problems, waste of money and time. These are usually lazy and lacking energy.
ReplyDeleteThe good thing about travelling nowadays is that we are offered quite cheap trips to even most distant parts of the world. This is mainly caused by the scale of competition between tourist agencies nowadays. And we don't necessarily have to know a foreign language -those who don't know at least English usually manage 'somehow' ;)
I like travelling, especially spontaneous travels. Sometimes I check "cheap airlines" tickets and if I find something really interesting I buy it and I take my girlfriend for the weekend for example in Oslo.
ReplyDeleteId like to travelling by car and I think that is has many advantages. I can travel wherever and whenever I want, don't care about time :)
ReplyDeleteI prefer travelling by car to travelling by train bus, or plane. I feel more free in my own car and I can move quickly from place to place.
I love travelling, although I must say lately I haven’t travelled a lot. For me travelling is mainly meeting new people and broadening horizon – in a way of having my own opinion of the particular culture or sight.
ReplyDeleteEven if you don’t have plenty of money for the flight to Barcelona and a hotel in the city centre – there are alternatives to that; like hitch-hiking and hostels. I have a lot of friends whose main motivation for work is travelling. I think it’s just great – I wish I could be like that :)
I think that travelling is one of those things that keep me alive :) There is nothing better than sitting at working at thinking, where where I could go if I had time and money. There are many places I plan to visit in future, starting with Japan. I hope I will have enough time to visit them all.
ReplyDeleteIt's been some time now, that shopping abroad isn't a lot cheaper and nearly everything you can buy within Warsaw. Unless of course, you go outside Europe - i.e. USA. Buying electronics there is a lot cheaper, even when you have to pay additional tax at the airport. I remember, when I was there, it was nearly impossible to decide what to buy, as there were so many nice things with ever nicer prices ;)
As far as I like travelling and would love to do it every so often I lately had no time to go anywhere far away or for a longer time.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Michał, that travelling by car beats the train or bus because the freedom it gives. Although I'd love to visit some place where it would be rather hard and costly to get by car too ;)
I like traveling many different places. I like to visit new places and experience new things. I can walk for hours and visit museums and learn things about new culture. To travel you will need a lot of money and time, but for me it is worth it. I don't like hitch-hiking, because I like to be sure that I will get somewhere in certain amount of time.
ReplyDeleteI like traveling by car since it is quite cheap and comfortable, but it gets hard to travel if you want to go somewhere faraway. Then it gets costly and the time you spend in a car increases so that you have to spend a night somewhere on the road.
There are many things I do not like about traveling and I'm rather kind of a guy who always complain about going abroad.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I just cannot recall any bad things from my travels - I always remember only the good part. I really love Greece - especially it's small islands, their ruins and ports. Spain is also great, although a bit too hot for me.
Because of my broken leg I couldn't go anywhere during last summer and this winter but I'm looking forward to visit Greece again. And I'd really like to go to USA some day, borrow a car there and run it all across the country.