First part of my presentation was about blogs and you can find it here: Blogging, twitting and fecebooking (1/3). This part would be about Twitter.
Everyone knows what a blog is but how about this blue bird? Nowadays it is very popular and in short it is a weblog containing only very short entries (about 140 characters length) called a tweet. You can post it via web interface or you can use other tools, like external applications from your computer, phone or even by simply sending sms. It was established in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams and Biza Stonea.
It is quite amazing how does twitter grow during it's relatively short period of time - after 3 years it has approximately 6 billions users and... How many tweets? Well, here you would go to a twitter searching engine with requests for tweets with iPad tag, one of the most popular topic recently. Open the link above and do not close the page. Check it back after reading this post - you would be probably surprised how many people tweets on it per minute.
Who use twitter?
Twitter is used by so many people that it would be hard to list even most popular of them. Among the twitter users you can find: Barack Obama, Bruce Willis or Juesus Christ. How about the companies? As with blogs, companies' public relations departments have adopted twitter as another communication transmitter and among others you can find Google tweeting about their hottest news.
What is your experience?
Did you even heard about twitter? Did you know that we, in Poland, have our own similar service called BLIP (Bardzo Lubię Informować Przyjaciół)? Have you ever use twitter or blip?
For me, twitter is absolutely waste of time - I really do not need to know what had Bruce Willis ate in the morning. Blog can be informative, twitter on the other hand is like access to totally useless information or a link to real one. And did you know that twitter has it's own blog? How surprising...
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